HKACT! Act 10 Daedalus Drones (360° Video)

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360° Virtual Journey
*Best experienced watching on smartphone in HD quality or wearing VR goggles and headphones
*To watch the VR film with VR goggles, play the video with YouTube App and select “Watch in VR”, place your smartphone in the VR goggles and enjoy

Ken Ueno

Ken Ueno

Ken Ueno

Ken Ueno

Online programme premieres in Dec

Bated breath before the sun: a 360° view of Daedalus Drones

The “medium is the message,” in this 360°-drone-footage retelling of Ueno’s installation-performance, HKACT! Act 10 Daedalus Drones, integrates sound, architecture, light, and a swarm of drones, into a new, hybrid, art. This immersive video adds another layer to the history of this epic work.

