Mindfulness Immersive Experience "Hua-yen Buddhaverse"

Zuni Icosahedron

Zuni Icosahedron

About the Artists

"The digital world is made up of the digits ‘0’ and ‘1’ upon which an infinite digital world is thus created. The inspiration for the multimedia design of the performance Hua-yen Sutra originates from the concept of ‘One’ and ‘Many’, or ‘Unity’ and ‘Diversity’, in the World of Hua-yen"

— Mathias Woo

The Director’s note, Hua-yen Sūtra (2007)

Zuni Icosahedron

Zuni Icosahedron

About the Artists

7 - 30/10

Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

7/10 (FRI) 8PM

8/10 (SAT) 5PM

8/10 (SAT) 8PM

9/10 (SUN) 11AM

14/10 (FRI) 8PM

15/10 (SAT) 5PM

15/10 (SAT) 8PM

16/10 (SUN) 11AM

21/10 (FRI) 5PM

21/10 (FRI) 8PM

22/10 (SAT) 5PM

22/10 (SAT) 8PM

23/10 (SUN) 11AM

28/10 (FRI) 8PM

29/10 (SAT) 8PM


Approx 1 hr 10 mins with no interval

Please arrive on time. Latecomers will not be admitted until a suitable break

The new Arts Tech Hua-yen Buddhaverse 2022 is a presentation of pujas with Arts Tech, as well as a journey of Hua-yen through sounds and images. With the use of immersive projection, 3D LED screens and audio, and the specially designed "mindfulness through movement" method, an immersive world of the Hua-yen is created. "Mindfulness through movement" encourages subtle movements such as breathing, eyes and mouth movements among the audience. Combined with the imagery in Thích Nhất Hạnh’s texts and the chanting of the Hua-yen scripture, it allows the audience to easily achieve a state of balance between the mind and body.
