Menú del día (Video)

Release date
Release time
The Up:Strike Project

The Up:Strike Project

About the Artists

The Up:Strike Project

The Up:Strike Project

About the Artists

Online programme premieres in Nov

What is the art of mixology? How do we mix & match music and drinks? Experts will share their wisdom

© Leung Kam-fai & Sam Cheng


Tasting Notes
Buckle up – you are about to experience a clash between your auditory and gustatory senses. Menú del día offers a simultaneously intriguing sensory experience, through the unfamiliar combination of fruitiness, spiciness and earthiness in the bespoke cocktails, to arouse your curiosity in contemporary music.

Porteño 1.024 cocktail
Fruity Cassis
Fresh Mint
Spicy Ginger
Hint of Citrus
Bitter and Rooty

Palermo Twist cocktail
Bitter and Botanical
Anise Aroma
Green Chilli

2 servings

How to Serve
1) Pour the liquor into glasses and add ice cubes
2) Sit back, enjoy the cocktails with your friends and watch the video
